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Healthcare Technology Transformation is one of the six pillars in achieving Health transformation in Indonesia including Primary Care Transformation, Referral Service Transformation, Health Security System Transformation. Health Financing System Transformation, Health Human Resource Transformation and Health Technology Transformation. Health Technology Transformation has a role to utilize information technology and bio-technology around health. Thus, it will make the Indonesian health more adaptable and make good use of the development of digital technology, so that the digitization process around health can become more developed.
Institut Kesehatan Sumatara Utara as one of the Health Institutes supports Indonesian Health Development in accelerating the transformation of Health Technology through International Conference (ICON) 2024 activities by inviting speakers from 4 countries namely Malaysia (Sunway University), Phillipine (Ifugao University) and Thailand (Khon Kaen University) including Indonesia. This event theme “Healthcare Technology Transformation Effect In Health Science Multi-Disciplinary” and was held on October 12, 2024. The aim of this conference is to provide a platform for scientific presentations through oral presentations, which will be published the Proceedings of ICON INKESSUMUT 2024 by Institut Kesehatan Sumatera Utara Press.
Tahun Terbit
Tempat Terbit
Sri Wahyuni, SKM, M.K.M
Institut Kesehatan Sumatera Utara Press
x, 289 hlm.; ilus.; 21 x 29,2 cm